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FlowFilt Polypropylene Pleated Filter Cartridges

FlowFilt Polypropylene Pleated Filter Cartridges

FlowFilt Polypropylene pleated filter cartridges have been designed as an effective membrane prefilters and as final polishing filters for many liquid processing applications. The cartridges are double layered filters. The graded porosity design removes particles in sequence such as larger particles by the more open outer layers and the smaller particles by the tighter inner layers. The outer layer acts as the prefilter while the inner layers provide the rating at the specified pore size. This efficiently spreads the contaminants throughout the media matrix resulting in superior contaminant holding capacity, lifetime & pressure drop as compared to other media cartridges.

Features & Benefits:

For more information, Please download our Polypropylene
Pleated Filter Cartridges brochure here

Product Specifications:
Micron Rating
0.2 ,0.45 ,1, 5, 10, 20µ
5″, 10″ , 20″ , 30″ , 40″
Inner Dia
Approx. 28mm
Outer Dia
Approx. 65 – 69mm
Effective surface area per 10″ element
7.5 sq. feet (0.65 msq.)
Max operating temperature
80˚C (176˚ F)
Hot water
121˚C, 30 min, 10 times
80˚C, 30 min, 30 times
Max differential pressure
5.5 bar (80 psi)@ 21˚C

Filter media: 100% Polypropylene fiber

Support media: Polypropylene fiber MOC: Polypropylene

‘O’ Ring/ Gaskets: Silicone/ EPDM/ Viton

Double open end type (DOE Type)

Code 7 (226 ‘O’ Ring design/ Bayonet or fin)

Code 3S (222 ‘O’ Ring design/ Bayonet or fin)

Food & beverage: Bottled water, beers, wines, flavours, polishing lines, clarification

Pharmaceutical: Membrane pre-filtration, opthalmics, oral medications, serum

Fine chemicals: Polymers, photoresists, acids, bases, solvents

Electronics: High purity water, photo resists, acids, etch solutions

Cosmetics: Alcohol, creams, lotions, essential oils, mouthwashes

Metal finishing: Plating solutions, wash solutions, paints, resins, varnishes

Water treatment: Potable water, resin trap, pre/ post UV, membrane protection